The Road to Fair Elfland - Tolkien On Fairy-stories: An Extended Commentary, Second Edition is an extension of Verlyn Flieger's and Douglas A. Anderson's edition of the groundbreaking essay "On Fairy-stories" by J.R.R. Tolkien. On one hand, the Commentary is meant to provide references to Tolkien's precedents and sources for the themes he treated in his essay and the ways in which they were treated; on the other, it also maintains the purpose to illustrate the way in which Tolkien's essay proved to be influential or even ahead of its time in the decades following its earliest publication, until the present. The new edition is enriched by a Preface by esteemed Tolkien scholar Lynn Forest-Hill, a new Introduction, an Appendix on Fairies, and three untold fairy-stories by the Author, titled "To See the End of Those Tears," "The Dream of Dreams," "Sir Gawain and the Princess of Elfland."