Technological advances restructure language and thought, changing individual and cultural perceptions of reality. These worlviews follow established patterns:
Preconscious Infants, animals, and humans prior to fifty thousand years ago. Subconscious life without self-awareness.
Magical Young children and hunter- gatherer cultures. Magical, symbolic interpretationofreality. First-person.
Mythical Children and agricultural states. Concrete thinking, role-playing, black-and-white views. Second-person.
Sequential Adolescents and adults in industrial states. Linear cause-and- effect, equal rights. Third-person.
Systems Informational cultures, integrated design, transnational net- working. Self perceived as object.
Holistic Ecological awareness and sustainability. Transnational mutualism. Self perceived as part of web of life.
Mystical Microbiology and genetics, Gaia-oriented, all species have the right to exist. Identify with planet and all life.
Observer Quantum physics and nanotechnology, global web conscious- ness. Self as creator. Transcend matter.
Nonlinear Relativity, quantum physics, time paradox. Nonlinear cause- and-effect. Transcend time.
Universal Similar to preconscious, perceive reality without judging it.One with everything in universe. No mind.