Uncle Lubin is left in charge of his beloved nephew Peter. One fateful day, a bagbird swoops down while Uncle Lubin is innocently napping, whisks away the screaming child in his beak, and flies to the moon. Now, Uncle Lubin sets out on a series of adventures to deliver the kidnapped child from the wretched bagbird, searching high and low.
Full of whimsical charm,The Adventures of Uncle Lubinpresents one of literature's most guileless and affable characters. With his comically flopping hat and baggy striped stockings, gentle, serious Uncle Lubin is left in charge of his beloved nephew, Peter. One fateful day, a great bag-bird swoops down while Uncle Lubin is innocently napping and whisks the child away. Lubin sets out on a series of twelve adventures, searching high and low for little Peter. His fantastic journeys, involving everything from airships to submarines, mermen to dragon-snakes, are ingeniously entwined with W. Heath Robinson's unforgettable pen-and-ink drawings. Read- ers will be enchanted by this revival, whose style and illustrations recall an era when children's books (and their characters) were delightful and inventive, playful and imaginative, and even a little outrageous.