This book is for anyone who would like to improve their confidence and skills in preparing for and performing well in job interviews. Getting invited to an interview means that you have passed the first hurdle - your application must have made a good impression. Now you need to prepare yourself for the interview to make sure that you do not waste the opportunity. The employer will be looking for someone who cannot only do the job, but someone that shows a real interest and commitment to the organization itself. You may have applied to several organizations for different roles, but you need to show to the employer who has invited you for an interview that it is this role and this organization above all others that you want to work within. In order to be fully prepared for the interview, it is important to research and get as much information about the organization and the role itself. This will prepare you for any possible questions that you may be asked. As a result, this will help you feel more confident attending the interview. This research also helps you determine whether this is an organization and a role that you would like to work within, if you were successful in being offered the job. Many organizations will send additional information about the company at the application stage or sometimes with the interview invitation. You can also look online at the company website if they have one or obtain company literature. At the application stage, most organizations will provide a job description and a person specification so that candidates have a full break down of the roles and responsibilities of the job and the skills, experiences and qualifications that the successful candidate will have. Re-read this information as well as your application form / curriculum vitae so that you are fully prepared.