Anna R. Burzynska - born 1979. Theatre scholar, assistant lecturer, theatre and music critic, journalist, editor, translator, curator. In 2009 received Ph.D. for the dissertation Twórczosc dramatyczna Stanislawa Grochowiaka w kontekscie jego poezji (The dramatic oeuvre of Stanislaw Grochowiak read in context of his poetry). Since 2010, works as an assistant professor at the Department of Theatre at the Jagiellonian University (main interests: contemporary European theatre and Polish and German drama of 19th and 20th century). Associate of the Goethe Institute in Krakow, where she worked as a curator of Polish-German theatre projects (e.g. with Stefan Kaegi of Rimini Protokoll), cooperates with Adam Mickiewicz Institute, Jerzy Grotowski Institute and (as a curator) with Cricoteka. As a guest of foreign universities, culture centers and festivals had lectures and seminars on Polish theatre in USA, Germany, Hungary, Belgium, Slovakia, Russia, Ukraine, Lithuania, Estonia, Cuba and China. Editor of the "Didaskalia" theatre journal since 2000, in years 2004-2010 critic for the "Tygodnik Powszechny" weekly (years 2007-2008 - also working in editorial team of the weekly). Author of the books Mechanika cudu (2005), The Classics and the Troublemakers. Theatre Directors from Poland (2008), Maska twarzy (2011) and Male dramaty (2012) and of over 250 articles and reviews that have appeared in newspapers, journals and collected volumes in Poland and abroad (in English, German, French and Romanian).