No matter how you slice it, semiconductor devices power the communications revolution. Skeptical? Imagine for a moment that you could flip a switch and instantly remove all the integrated circuits from planet Earth. A moment's reflection would convince you that there is not a single field of human endeavor that would not come to a grinding halt, be it commerce, agriculture, education, medicine, or entertainment. Life, as we have come to expect it, would simply cease to exist. Drawn from the comprehensive and well-reviewed Silicon Heterostructure Handbook, this volume covers SiGe circuit applications in the real world. Edited by John D. Cressler, with contributions from leading experts in the field, this book presents a broad overview of the merits of SiGe for emerging communications systems. Coverage spans new techniques for improved LNA design, RF to millimeter-wave IC design, SiGe MMICs, SiGe Millimeter-Wave ICs, and wireless building blocks using SiGe HBTs. The book provides a glimpse into the future, as envisioned by industry leaders.
Drawn from the comprehensive and well-reviewed Silicon Heterostructure Handbook, this volume covers SiGe applications in the real world. It presents a broad overview of the merits of SiGe for emerging wireless communication systems and new techniques for improved LNA design. The chapters give readers a comprehensive view of linearization techniques in devices and circuits and the RF to millimeter design space. The discussion spans the RF to the millimeter wave IC space, and includes wireless radio architecture, MEMS processing, and robust packaging techniques. The last three chapters provide a glimpse of the future as envisioned by several industry leaders.